
2023年7月14日—S3Inventoryprovidesacompletelistofobjectsinabucketandtheircorrespondingmetadata.ThenewObjectACLsfieldsincludedetailsabout ...,YoucanqueryAmazonS3InventoryfileswithstandardSQLqueriesbyusingAmazonAthenainallRegionswhereAthenaisavailable.TocheckforAWSRegion ...,AmazonS3Inventorygeneratesinventoriesoftheobjectsinabucket.Theresultinglistispublishedtoanoutputfile.Thebucketthatisinvento...

Amazon S3 Inventory can include ACLs as object metadata ...

2023年7月14日 — S3 Inventory provides a complete list of objects in a bucket and their corresponding metadata. The new Object ACLs fields include details about ...

Querying Amazon S3 Inventory with Amazon Athena

You can query Amazon S3 Inventory files with standard SQL queries by using Amazon Athena in all Regions where Athena is available. To check for AWS Region ...

Using an inventory report delivered to the destination account ...

Amazon S3 Inventory generates inventories of the objects in a bucket. The resulting list is published to an output file. The bucket that is inventoried is ...

使用Athena 查詢Amazon S3 庫存清單檔案

您可以在所有提供Athena 的區域中,使用Amazon Athena 透過標準SQL 查詢來查詢Amazon S3 庫存清單檔案。若要檢查AWS 區域可用性,請參閱《AWS 區域資料表》 。

設定Amazon S3 清查

在Inventory configurations (清查組態) 下,選擇Create inventory configuration (建立清查組態)。 在清查組態名稱中,輸入名稱。 針對庫存清單範圍,執行下列操作:.

Amazon S3 清查

您可以使用Amazon S3 庫存清單來協助您管理儲存。例如,您可以用它來稽核及回報物件的複寫與加密狀態,以滿足業務、合規及法規需求。您也可以 ...

Configuring Amazon S3 Inventory

Amazon S3 Inventory helps you manage your storage by creating lists of the objects in an S3 bucket on a defined schedule. You can configure multiple inventory ...

Amazon S3 Inventory

You can use Amazon S3 Inventory to help manage your storage. For example, you can use it to audit and report on the replication and encryption status of your ...

Reviewing your S3 bucket inventory with Amazon Macie

Learn how to access and interpret statistics and other data that Amazon Macie provides to help you assess the security and privacy of your Amazon S3 data.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
